Safe, natural, and positive

Creating a natural bridge between body and mind, clinical hypnotherapy offers a non-pharmacological process for overcoming stress and sleeplessness, and replacing self-sabotaging behaviors for good.

With the comfort and convenience of online sessions, you can use this powerful tool to move forward with a change for the better. When you’re ready, click the button below to schedule a free phone consultation to discuss whether hypnotherapy is right for you.

Safe, natural, and positive

Creating a natural bridge between body and mind, clinical hypnotherapy offers a non-pharmacological process for overcoming stress and sleeplessness, and replacing self-sabotaging behaviors for good.

With the comfort and convenience of online sessions, you can use this powerful tool to move forward with a change for the better. When you’re ready, click the button below to schedule a free phone consultation to discuss whether hypnotherapy is right for you.


Are you struggling with sleep? Using hypnosis to shift wakeful patterns has several components, all working together to release whatever’s been keeping you awake while you create a new way of thinking about, feeling, and experiencing rest. 

Anxious Feelings

If you’re holding the heaviness of anxious feelings, hypnotherapy can help. Teach your mind and body to handle overwhelming emotions in a healthy way, and activate positive skills and resources that will help you think more clearly and focus more easily.

Harmful Habits

If you’ve struggled with the embarrassment or health consequences of picking skin, pulling hair, or biting nails, hypnotherapy can help you by resolving the origin of the issue, and giving your instinctive  mind a new and purposeful response to old triggers.

Eating and Body Image

Hypnotherapy brings a layered approach to creating a peaceful relationship among food, emotions, and self-care. The journey is unique to each person, though for almost everyone, we look to heal the past, develop self-love, self-trust, and act on choices you feel good about.

What to Expect

Each session is different, unique for each client, though typically for a first session we’ll meet online via Zoom, and talk over key factors surrounding the issues you want to change, and answer your questions about hypnotherapy. From there, I’ll lead you into hypnosis and we’ll begin the work of creating resolution and empowerment at the unconscious  level. Throughout, I will teach you to use simple, effective self-hypnosis tools to reinforce and build on our sessions.

While there is no formula for how many sessions you will need, often goals like stress reduction, test anxiety, sports performance, or improving some sleep issues may require as few as two or three sessions. Issues like fertility, chronic pain, chronic sleeplessness, or redefining your relationship with food and your body are typically more complex, and will be best served by a series of sessions tailored for your individual needs and timing.

After years of poor and restless sleep, I’m now enjoying deep, peaceful sleep, thanks to Tracy’s therapy.  Quality sleep has also improved my energy and concentration during the day. Tracy’s therapy is well-suited to video conference, so I can have therapy in the comfort of my home and in my jammies.  I highly recommend Tracy and quality sleep!” 
Laura V., Bremerton WA

Insomnia Client

Tracy’s hypnosis work got me through a very dark time in our fertility journey, injecting light into my heart when it seemed impossible to imagine feeling good again.  There is so much darkness and unknown during the long journey of trying to conceive, and one of the hardest parts is not knowing when (or if) it’s ever going to end. Tracy helped me to feel ok with the present moment and not get stuck waiting for some ephemeral happy future. Her sessions were informative, grounded in science and the hypnosis itself was incredibly effective. I could also tell she sincerely cares and loves what she does – which makes a big difference.   And then we finally got that positive, I couldn’t believe it. I still get teary thinking about it.
Beth G., NYC

Fertility Client

 “I’ve been picking this one spot on the back of my scalp for my whole life. It was getting infected and my hair stopped growing there. It was a gross (looked gross and made me feel gross and helpless). My friend recommended Tracy for hypnosis, and the sessions were great. But I was shocked that it just STOPPED, like I could not even make myself do it. I used to feel a tingle there, and in the session that area went numb. I was stunned that I couldn’t find that urge anymore. It’s been months, and healing is happening.”

David, Seattle

Skin Picking Client

I had my first hypnotherapy session via phone with Tracy. Phone is an excellent format and offers many advantages over traditional in-office visits. Tracy instantly created rapport (we had never met). She used her masterful skill to reveal my core issue with laser like focus. I found the session relaxed, comfortable, emotionally intimate, efficient and deeply healing. I was ready for her call and she created a most dynamic experience. I highly recommend working with Tracy and the freedom to do so from my home was icing on the cake. PS-This was before COVID-19 existed.” 
Theresa P., Texas

Habit Change Client

“ This was an incredible experience, life changing. I shaved my head to deal with my trichotillomania, and I was trying to grow it out again. I had heard about hypnosis for pulling, and I scheduled the three sessions, though I was not at all confident this could work for me. The first session was lovely, and for me it was kind of emotional, in a touching way.  And then, I didn’t do it anymore. In the second session Tracy said, ‘I think you’re good to go!’ Two years later, I did have a brief relapse, and a single session was all it took to remind my ‘subconscious’ that I’ve let that go.”

Jennifer P., Seattle WA

Hair Pulling Client

“I was honestly skeptical about whether hypnosis could really help me with anxiety that seemed so much a part of my identity. But Tracy was so warm, and she made the Zoom meeting feel like we were in the same place at the same time. And once I closed my eyes for the hypnosis I felt transported by her voice and she was very skilled at talking to the anxious part of me. I feel more trusting and less anxious than I ever have felt (in what is arguably the scariest time in my life!).”
Susan F., Seattle WA

Anxiety Client

“I have struggled with anxiety and panic attacks for over a decade.  I’ve done extensive work that has helped me understand why I struggle in this way, but until meeting Tracy, I had not been able to make a shift towards actually changing the ongoing anxiety.  I came to Tracy wanting to work on what I believed to be a fundamental inability to ever truly relax.  After our very first session, I started noticing shifts not only in my awareness around relaxation but in supporting myself in ways that allowed relaxation to start happening.  I feel not only much less anxiety but, to my surprise, more confidence and trust in myself.  Alongside these positive results, working with Tracy herself is just a pleasure.  In my work with her, she was so authentically caring and attuned to what I was trying to convey that there were times she was able to reflectively voice things in a way that resonated more closely with my experience than I have ever been able to voice myself!  My heartfelt gratitude to her as I continue to slowly unwind from years of tension into a space that feels free and loving and full of possibility.”

Anxiety Client

“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time. “
T.S. Eliot

Hypnotherapy can help you discover and enhance the connection between body and mind, allowing you to alter perception of pain, promote physical healing, control appetite, and ignite positive behavioral changes.

Where are sessions?

Your place, online, via Zoom.

Through all the years of my practice, I’ve discovered that hypnotherapy online is not only equally effective, it’s most often enhanced. Long before 2020, about 20% of my practice had been online, working with clients around the country, and many Seattle clients were choosing online sessions. Consistently, I noticed my online clients created the shifts they were looking for more quickly.

Perhaps it was just avoiding traffic and hassle, or maybe those online clients more naturally realized that their reduced anxiety, readiness to release destructive habits, and freedom to sleep had nothing to do with my spa-like office, and everything to do with the power of their own mind.