Self-Hypnosis for Pain Relief

Working as nature intended, pain signals provide us with useful information, yet persistent pain depletes quality of living — it drains the fun out of life. Whether you’re dealing with chronic or transient pain, you may be able to use hypnosis as a natural, non-invasive way to reduce or eliminate the need for pharmaceutical pain relief.

Self-hypnosis is an effective tool that is learned quickly and can be used for a lifetime, and is a process intended to work in concert with your present course of treatment prescribed by your qualified healthcare provider. During sessions we’ll explore your emotional and imaginative resources and begin to build on them, using these to shift the frame of reference for the interpretation of pain signals.

While each client’s precise path is different, within each session we create and cultivate tools and practices to take pain sensors off high-alert mode, shift perception, and connect to the present moment feeling more comfortable.

For most clients, sessions will include processes to reconnect to resourceful states from before the illness or pain. Such processes seek to release negative reactions in the body from past events or circumstances, and open the door for healing at deeper levels. In this way, we invite the mind and body to increase the perception of comfort.

I worked with Tracy to prepare and recover from total knee replacement surgery.  She helped me to feel calm and centered as I approached the surgery date, and to help with healing and pain after surgery.  I listened to her several times a day to help my body reduce inflammation and lessen pain at the surgery site. Tracy’s amazing specialized recordings were the trick to get me to reduce my pain and anxiety while healing.  I owe a great debt to her for her help.  I highly recommend Tracy for this kind of work.
Kathie H

Knee Replacement

After successfully using self-hypnosis for over a decade to manage arthritis pain, I suffered a setback prior to speaking at the 2013 HypnoBirthing Conclave near Washington DC. The pain was severe enough to interfere with my ability to speak at the conference; so I asked Tracy Adams to do a session for me. Her hypnotherapy skills helped reduce the pain enough for me to give credible presentations. She demonstrates genuine concern for her clients as well as skills in the art of hypnosis. As a hypnosis instructor, I am very particular about anyone who “walks in my subconscious;” but I would gladly ask Tracy to do another session for me if necessary.
Roy Hunter

Hypnotherapy Author/Trainer