Eating and Body Image

Hypnosis can help you learn to listen to your body’s signals, so you can establish a new relationship with your body, your eating patterns, and your emotions. Foremost, the goal is creating sustainable traction that help you become comfortable in your skin.

Hypnotherapy provides a practical, engaging approach for shifting perceptions of satisfaction and enjoyment. As new patterns emerge, they provide relief from long-term discouragement and self-sabotage.

Although the sessions are unique for each client, we’re using the time to gather momentum and develop changes that feel right for you. As your process of becoming more healthy and comfortable moves forward, we’ll work together to evaluate the need for regular or as-needed refreshers along the way.

Support for your medically-assisted journey:  If you have had or are considering bariatric surgery, or want to sustain changes you’ve enjoyed with pharmaceutical support (like Ozempic), hypnosis can help reinforce your efforts. 



I was worried about finding the right hypnotherapist — but the doubts I had vanished after I started working with Tracy. Now I enjoy eating the right foods in the right amounts. Instead of my use of food as an ineffective stress remedy, she gave me the tools to eliminate stress myself. I just got back from my annual checkup and my cholesterol is way down and I’ve lost 30 pounds. I’ve got more to lose but I’m not worrying about it at all — it’s just happening naturally.”

Peter W.



WOW! I haven’t had a craving since I saw you. I have cleaned out the cupboards …. I feel amazing. I have even cleaned out the drawer at work…. When I was throwing away the Oreos, chocolate bars, and pasta, I did not have any craving or sadness. Truly astonishing! I will keep you updated. Thank you!”

L., female client

Binge Eating


Tracy is wonderful in all ways. We addressed a compulsive eating disorder I’d had since childhood in just three sessions. It’s been about two  years since we worked together and my life continues to be much happier due to her help.”

I.H., male client

Food Choices


I no longer find myself obsessing about what I eat, when I eat, or the choices I make, and no longer experience that internal bullying and negative self-talk. I find that I am much more confident and in control of how food impacts my personal well being and improved physical appearance. Thank you Tracy for the positive influence you’ve had on changing my life!”


When I decided to try hypnotherapy, I spent quite a bit of time looking for someone who seemed like a good fit both for my goals and for my personality. I found both those things in Tracy…and more. My first criteria was that I wanted someone who was able to talk about some of the science and biology of the process and didn’t require me to share a belief system or orientation which was not mine. When I read that she also provided hypnotherapy for child birthing, I decided that if the hospitals would let her be there for births, that was a good sign.

Tracy spent quite a while talking to me on the phone before I ever made my first appointment and that turned out to be a good indication of the whole experience. Every session has always taken as long as I needed and I never felt rushed or “on the clock”. The hypnotherapy itself was totally different than I had expected… a lot of different choices and a bunch of fun. The results have been wonderful. It hasn’t been like a magic switch, but a gradual change in behaviors that have resulted in some profound differences. For me, the hypnotherapy helped me with the underlying emotional issues that caused my weight gain in the first place, plus helped create the new behaviors that actually gave me results. I’m still finding myself shocked when I look I the mirror and see what I look like now. And the different aspects of the therapy have also spilled over into other areas of my life in good ways.

In a nutshell, I’m absolutely crazy about Tracy… not just because of what she has helped me do in my life, but because she’s a warm, generous and fun person. I always feel great when I leave and can’t say enough good things about the experience. And yes… she laughs at my jokes… best hypnotherapist ever!”


Eating and Body Image client

It is my pleasure to document and share what my life has become since starting my hypnotherapy with Tracy Adams of Cornerstone Hypnotherapy. . . . The results are so profound and progressive it is hard to articulate this. My life has changed in ALL areas.

The daily feedback from family, friends and coworkers is amazing and very consistent. The first word people will use is “happy”. That in and of itself is worth all the time and effort. . . . Other great aspects I am enjoying are more confidence, clarity, compassion and self esteem. I have lost in the range of 25 pounds, which came on the heels of trying almost every other option offered out in the world. I am 57 years old and have struggled with weight since my 30s.

I have lost the weight easily and the ultimate modification of what I eat, how much and when is nothing short of a miracle. The foods I now desire are natural, organic and very healthy.  My body truly knows what it naturally needs and with the hypnotherapy I can make conscious healthy choices without much thought. My overall stress level has dropped dramatically . . . . I have a full tool box of options I can draw on whenever I feel the need. The amazing part is I don’t usually even have to consider options -I am guided by what my “authentic” self truly desires and it comes naturally.  I chose to not weigh, count calories, document food intake, etc. This method has proven the most effective and is SO much easier!

I was very sedentary as well and with gentle guidance to begin and maintain “movement” I now walk about 30 minutes every day as well as take advantage of stairs, parking at a distance, etc. I am full of energy, feel positive, encouraged and have a sense of well-being I have never known. . . . For me, my hypnotherapy has facilitated this. In terms of which person to support this — I highly recommend Tracy.  She is an extremely knowledgeable, gentle, talented hypnotherapist, it is with deep gratitude and heartfelt sincerity that I thank her for all the wonderful changes in my life.

J Barret

Eating and Body Image client