Certification Trainings

Learn the essentials to support the journey to conception. Although each fertility client’s landscape is unique, this training provides a flexible protocol to adapt for each individual’s path. Paired with an understanding of the issues and emotions that are most often involved with this issue, the HypnoMothering protocol prepares you to join fertility clients in laying the groundwork for success.

Finally, a grounded, flexible childbirth protocol for the hypnotherapist. This thorough childbirth education course details everything you need to know to work with expectant parents. The protocol is flexible, you may work privately or with groups, simplifying the program to a single session of hypnosis techniques, or expanding to the full four-session childbirth education program.

Prepare to teach mothers how to use hypnosis through the challenging postpartum months. The course covers everything you need to help mothers make the most of limited sleep, enhance bonding, develop maternal instincts, and find focus and mindfulness amidst the myriad of feelings that come with being a new mother.